Updating your class contact information

Your Class of ’63 Reunion Committee continues to work, sponsoring events and keeping you updated on the status of classmates. With the passage of time, it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of the 700 plus graduates in our class. We have been able to locate approximately 550 classmates, and of those we are able to regularly communicate with 325 via email. Sadly, we know of the passing of 135 classmates. Obituaries as well as classmate profiles can be found here on our class website.

As we move forward towards 2023 and the celebration of 60 years since graduation, we are making an effort to update and verify our records. When we last confirmed your contact information, there were many who did not have an email address, we only had a postal address listed for you. If you have an email address where we can contact you, but do not receive notices from us, please reply by sending us your name and email address to aahs@aahs63.com. You can also contact us by calling 734-363-8524 and leaving a voicemail, or sending a note to our mailing address, 7220 Hashley Road, Manchester MI 48158. Our preferred method to reach everyone is by email. By providing an email address, you will receive occasional notices about events, updates on classmates, and all of the details of our 60th Reunion as 2023 rolls around.

As always, all contact information is kept strictly confidential, we will not release your information to anyone for any reason.


Your AAHS ’63 Reunion Committee:
George Crane, Barbara (Stanley) Kramer, Butch Larkins,
Carol (Schonberger) Spears, Rick Weid, Chuck Wilkins